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Business Opportunities Focused

Public·2 members

Yani Lee
June 23, 2021 · updated the description of the group.

Welcome to the group! This is a platform where you can connect with other members, for business opportunities and referrals.

Post Guidelines:

- Please respect each other,

- This group is not meant to be a forum for general political, social commentary, or personal rants. All posts or contents that are irrelevant to the group topic will be removed by the admin.

- Contents or posts published on this group should not be misleading and inappropriate, such as, harasses, bullies, or it hateful.

Any person and/or organization found to be violating the mentioned policy may be expelled from the group. Egregious and/or multiple violations of this policy may result in disqualification from future admission/ events at the discretion of the Hong Kong Association of Northern California (HKANC).


Welcome to the group! This is a platform where you can conne...

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